Sunday, February 17, 2008

Oh Happy Day...

Salutations Internet,

The world is a scary place - consequently so is marriage. Three months in is a lot longer than it seems. Society paints a very flowery benign picture of married life, especially the ever-coveted bliss of newly weds. I mean if you loved each other enough to go through all the drama of dating, engagement, and planning a wedding, than you must be equipped with the where-with-all, the scruples, the common sense 101, to keep it together man.

Some, skeptics and jerks mostly, may say, "Listen here blogger! Where is this going - I have a short attention span because I was raised by technology!" and to those I would say, "Ok."

Through the blissful glee of internet anonymity, we (a newly-wed cyber couple) are going to explore all of the explicit in's and disappointing out's of marriage, and let you, the scrupulous saavy internet visitor, decide and discuss for yourselves, from your parent's basement, the mundaine details of what is surely a last ditch effort to plug the holes on a sinking cruiseliner built from the lumberyard of high expectations and unmentioned bad habbits.